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Analysis of the Advantages and Disadvantages

Time:7/6/2023  From:EACCOR

Analysis of the Advantages and Disadvantages of ICS17 Electronic Belt Scale

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The ICS17 series belt scale has a dynamic cumulative error of less than ± 0.5% and is widely used in industrial weighing, production statistics, and inter factory settlement. There are also many scales used in trade settlement processes. This form of scale structure was introduced to the market by RAMSEY in the 1970s in the United States, and has a symbolic significance in the field of dynamic weighing. It was also the world's dynamic weighing equipment at that time. Our national standard scale is manufactured based on the American RAMSEY10-17 belt scale factory standard. There are currently many belt scales in stock and in use in the world, but in terms of their current usage, their effectiveness is not good, their stability is poor, and their accuracy is difficult to guarantee. This is a fundamental criticism, and users need to frequently verify, but still cannot guarantee good usage results. Especially for users who need stable measurement accuracy, they are exhausted and helpless.

In summary, it has the following drawbacks:
Disadvantage 1: Long term use with an accuracy of 1-5% and very unstable;
Disadvantage 2: The quality of use depends on the efforts of users and maintenance personnel;
Disadvantage 3: It can only be used for general process measurement, and the data is for reference;
Disadvantages 4: simple structure, low cost and Cut throat competition;
Disadvantage 5: The scale body is bulky, which is not conducive to installation and debugging;
Disadvantage 6: The core of the ear shaft is rubber impact resistance, which is prone to aging and deactivation, and loss of function;
Disadvantages 7 and 4: The structure of the heavy scale body with double rollers and parallel bars acts on the pull points of two S-type weighing sensors, causing settlement, and the scale body is prone to deformation and internal stress;
Disadvantage 8: Once the main and auxiliary scales are used for a period of time, if there is slight slip or deformation, even if the entire scale body experiences torsion, it will completely lose stability.

Analyze the specific reasons for the above problems from the system composition:
The ICS17 series belt scale mainly consists of three parts: the 17 type lever type weighing bridge, speed sensor, and integrator. The S-type weighing sensor in the weighing bridge detects the weight of the material on the belt and sends it to the integrator; The speed sensor detects the belt speed and sends the speed information to the integrator. The integrator processes the received speed and weight signals to obtain the cumulative quantity and instantaneous flow rate of the material.
The ICS17 weighing bridge is equipped with four or two sets of supporting rollers on the lever, which are supported by two weighing sensors in the middle and non friction trunnion support points on the outer side. This device is used for shockproof, moisture-proof, and anti-corrosion purposes. However, in harsh environments, it is prone to rubber aging due to unsealed trunnions, and excessive cross-sectional area of the scale body can cause material accumulation. The scale body has poor anti bias load capacity (belt deviation has a fatal impact on its accuracy and stability).

The main beam of the ICS17 weighing bridge is made of rectangular steel pipes, which gives the entire weighing bridge sufficient rigidity. The main and auxiliary weighing frames are connected, and the entire weighing body is close to a total length of over 4.2m. This also results in a large self weight and a relatively large surface ash accumulation area. Due to its own weight, it is necessary to ensure that the heavier the load per meter of the conveyed material, the better. For lighter materials or uneven material flow, the accuracy and stability will be worse when used on-site.

Two ICS17 weighing sensors are connected in parallel to the integrator, with only one signal, making it impossible to self check and determine out of tolerance. Any belt deviation, tension change, uneven material, too light material per meter, roller shaft jumping or radial movement can have a great impact on the ICS17 scale, causing it to lose stability. This is why many customers say that "the accuracy of this scale on site cannot be discussed". Many users feel helpless and say, "I don't need high precision, I just need a stable belt scale. This sentence precisely reflects the fundamental characteristic of this scale, which is poor stability. Of course, this sentence inverts cause and effect. A belt weigher with poor stability has no guarantee of accuracy. A belt scale with good stability will not have poor accuracy, and high accuracy is always based on high stability.

The following figure shows the painful calibration method of ICS17 scale: chain weights weighing over a hundred kilograms per meter are connected one by one on the belt, and then fixed back and forth for calibration, while the user always

Other features:
◆ There are no moving or worn parts, but the key trunnion is a component that is prone to aging and deactivation, requiring significant maintenance;
◆ Weak resistance to lateral force and horizontal component, with belt deviation and significant impact on horizontal component;
◆ It is impossible to achieve an overall deformation of less than 0.1mm, resulting in overall deformation and stress interference;
◆ High strength rectangular tube, maintaining stable calibration, but prone to material accumulation and zero drift;
Extremely unsuitable for sites with light loads, lightweight materials, and intermittent material flow.

Using ECO Electric's fully intelligent high-precision belt scale, high-precision, self calibration, and maintenance free!
Long term use accuracy ± 0.2%!

The high-precision fully intelligent matrix electronic belt scale produced by Yike Company adopts advanced artificial intelligence weighing technology, matched with specific ultra-high sensitivity sensors and artificial intelligence weighing controllers (using multiple sets of AD matrix arrangement, weighing accuracy is up to ± 0.2%, and the stability cycle of one calibration can reach more than 6 months, achieving worry free operation)!

Equipped with a unique intelligent calibration system, each sensor has independent AD detection, fault alarm, and out of tolerance removal functions, ensuring that the belt scale maintains long-term high-precision and high stability operation.

The automatic code hanging verification device is installed on the main scale body of the electronic belt scale, with a proprietary structure that meets the simulation of the gravity state of the transported material. It automatically completes the full state verification of the belt scale, using the SEQ-AI intelligent algorithm and matrix control tracking and review technology. It automatically completes monitoring, verification and correction during operation and use.

The ECO fully intelligent matrix scale achieves high stability and precision while truly solving two fundamental problems of belt scales: 1) knowing when the scale fluctuates; 2. Real time online automatic correction of accuracy.