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WY belt hydraulic corrector
  • Product name:WY belt hydraulic corrector
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  • Details

Action process of WY belt deviation correction machine
After the belt deviates to one side, it immediately touches the inspection drive wheel of the deviation correction machine. The friction force of the belt causes the inspection drive wheel to rotate, driving the dedicated low-speed oil pump integrated with it. The oil pump delivers hydraulic oil to the built-in logic valve group in the oil tank, and after passing through the logic valve group, it flows to the hydraulic cylinder, pushing it to move. The oil cylinder pushes the centering roller to deflect, and the deflected centering roller produces a lateral resetting force (correction force) on the belt. After the belt is reset, the inspection drive wheel disengages from the belt and stops rotating.


The inspection drive wheel is integrated with a specially designed low-speed oil pump, which has a simple and practical signal detection function and provides system driving force. The oil pump has been carefully designed by experts and has flow characteristics that ordinary oil pumps do not have. The inspection wheel is made of wear-resistant polymer material
The logic valve group adopts high-precision coupling components with high reliability, without easily aging rubber seals, and is placed in the oil tank, with good lubrication and long-term reliable use.



Suggestion on the quantity and installation position of WY belt deviation correction machine
Relatively speaking, the belt is prone to deviation at the head, tail, and tension drum of the belt conveyor. Therefore, a deviation correction machine should be installed at all three locations mentioned above. The WY passive hydraulic correction machine has extremely high correction efficiency. One machine is equivalent to more than 5 mechanical adjustment idlers. It is recommended that the correction distance between adjacent two machines be greater than 30 meters, and the lower correction distance be greater than 50 meters
Reversible belts are prone to deviation and difficult to manage. WY passive hydraulic correction machine is suitable for controlling reversible belt deviation, but when installing it, the characteristics of reversible belts should be taken into account and the correction machine needs to be symmetrically arranged.

Example of model specifications


The belt speed and belt width shall be filled in according to the actual value whether or not series data is marked. Belt width above 2400mm, belt speed above 4.5m/s, and below 0.8m/s require special customization
In general, the supply price is only related to the first page (belt width) and the last page (whether it is reversible)
The user provides a schematic diagram of the belt conveyor (including total length, length of the rising section, type and position of the tensioning device, number of positions for feeding, etc.), and our company will; Quickly determine the number and location of installation correction devices for you, in order to facilitate your planning.


Ordering instructions:
1. Bandwidth, 2. Belt rack form, 3. Belt speed

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